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God providence acts at all times in the lives of all people preserving, guiding, correcting, or punishing according to His wise counsels.

The problem of devious leaders is not new. Is there nothing we can we do about manipulative leaders? No. We can do more than just complain.

Authority was an issue in David’s time and in Jesus’ day. In one case legitimate authority was abused and in the other legitimate authority was rejected.

Sin presents itself as an appealing, beautiful fruit hiding its deadly consequences. Are you learning to detect those consequences?

God often surprises us by His decrees and His ways. Read on to find out how God stunned a king and a social outcast with His grace and mercy.

The one who would follow Christ must prepare himself to lose everything, even the most precious relationships in this world. Are you prepared?

Injustice abounds in this world, but God gives His people prayer so that they may call upon Him rather than to lose heart.

No king and no kingdom have lasted for long. But we now know the identity of the King whose reign will last forever. Do you know Him?

Presumption is behavior perceived as arrogant and disrespectful. Presumption may not be a common word, but today's reading shows it is a common failure.

A person’s life and eternal destiny depends on a willingness to heed the warning. Here we see examples of one who heeded and one who refused.