May 31
Lessons from Mount Moriah
Do you know the lessons of Mt. Moriah? What happened there shows us the gospel. Your response to those lessons is a matter of life and death.
Sept 12, 2021
Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urna vel neque tempus Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urn…
Ezekiel shows us the stunning contrast of spiritual death and God's power. His life-giving power overcomes even hopeless death.
Keep ReadingIsaiah challenges us, but we can learn to relish this prophecy. Here's why and how to glean much from the prophet Jesus quoted frequently.
Keep ReadingIf we consider that the writer of the gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles was not Jewish but a Gentile and not a fisherman but a physician who never met Jesus in person (Colossians 4:14), we might expect his gospel to have a somewhat different flavor from the others. Our expectations will not be disappointed
Keep ReadingKingdoms fall. So what should we do? Wring our hands and weep? It happened to Israel and Judah. What can we learn from their history?
Keep ReadingOur readings this week show that nothing in this world will ever completely satisfy us. But there is One who does fill our souls.
Keep ReadingEver wonder why we read about the failed kings of Israel and Judah? Are there good lessons from bad kingdoms? Yes, indeed! Read on and see.
Keep ReadingIt is hard to exaggerate all the joy of life in Christ. Do you know what it means to be in Him? This theme runs through Paul's letters.
Keep ReadingMary and I recently took a drive through a scenic part of our rural Virginia county on a beautiful late Spring afternoon. We drove as slowly as was prudent in order to drink in the sights and smells of newly mowed hay fields, wildflowers and honeysuckle, cows and calves, sheep and goats, rolling hills and mountain peaks.
Keep ReadingThe Bible gives us a rather in depth look at the life of David. We are fortunate in this because there are many great lessons to learn from one whose life would otherwise be an enigma.
Keep ReadingOur emotions can be troublesome leading us down paths we later regret, but should we attempt to escape them? Or can they be redeemed by God for a good purpose?
Keep ReadingI hope you were able to complete our scheduled reading for last week in 1 Samuel 21-31 and Psalms 16-30.
Keep ReadingMany ask why certain occurrences happen. The Bible doesn't answer all our questions, but it does teach us what we need to know--that God is in control of the most personal details of human life as well as of the events at the highest levels of nations and empires.
Keep ReadingMay 31
Do you know the lessons of Mt. Moriah? What happened there shows us the gospel. Your response to those lessons is a matter of life and death.
May 30
To know God is the supreme privilege and responsibility of mankind. But what if we fail? Can there be mercy greater than judgment?
May 29
The path of God may take us through pain, suffering, and death, but never away from His love and compassion. Will we trust Him?
May 28
God makes assignments to His people. It may be enduring great suffering or making great music. But He is always glorified and His people always built up.
May 27
We must take God’s Word seriously. David charged Solomon to do so. Jesus showed the Jews His commitment to the truth of Scripture.
May 26
God raised a shepherd boy to king in Israel, but that was only a faint picture of what He would ultimately do--give the world the greatest Shepherd King.
May 25
Belief in God is evidenced by simple trust. No drama. Just a readiness to believe Him and to seek His direction in His Word.
May 24
Today we see the stark contrast between the godly leader and the selfish, insecure leader. We are called to follow the One who leads us to glory.
May 23
Hearing the words of God is evidence that one is of God. But disaster awaits everyone who will not hear. We can learn much from a horrible example.
May 22
The old saying, attributed to Matthew Henry, is true, “None so blind as those that will not see.” So, what can we do if we discover we are blind?
May 21
Everyone is faced with a choice of two paths: light or darkness. You must take one but only one. In which one will you walk?
May 20
Biblical genealogy shows us that even kings do not leave much of a legacy. Jesus calls us to something more than temporal significance.
May 19
"Be careful what you wish for" is a common warning. But do you know what everyone should wish for but many do not? Read on and find out.
May 18
What makes a person choose to believe or not believe? Here we see some perplexing examples but also a clear answer from Jesus.
May 17
Throughout history, God has been and is pleased with those who believe in Him, that is, who believe Him. It's no secret. Faith pleases God.
May 16
Fools seek power that is not theirs through conspiracy and murder, but there is a humble king who did not grasp the power that was rightfully His.
May 15
Seeking glory from society is a sure stumbling block to believing the truth and to living wisely and godly. Here's a warning to flee the trap.
May 14
To be at enmity with God, our Creator, is a hopelessly depressing situation, but to be reconciled to Him brings joy and peace that lasts.
May 13
Those who hold significant authority in this world need God’s help and mercy, but some find it hard to believe in Him. We can learn from two examples below.
May 12
God saves people from every nation, tribe, and tongue who come to Him by faith. Here we meet two unlikely converts: a social outcast and an army general.
May 11
How important is it that we discover the truth about God and that we believe Him? It is literally a matter of life or death. Find out more now.
May 10
Whether you seek darkness or light says a lot about your true spiritual condition. Today we read of the worst example ever and a warning from Jesus.
May 9
A two-part error of many is to think they know God, but that God doesn’t know them. Building on these false assumptions never works.
May 8
God calls us to follow Him but biblical history shows how some followed while others limped between the true God and impostors. Will you follow or limp?
May 7
Without a new birth, brought about by God, even the most informed people do not receive His Word but persist in all kinds of pagan abominations.
May 6
Our computers come with factory default positions. As fallen humans our default positions concerning faith need a reset. Have yours been reset?
May 5
Our problem is not lack of knowledge but the resistance in our hearts to believe God and to love Him more than anything or anyone else.
May 4
The way to paradise is not through our own good works. Rather, it comes by grace through faith to the repentant sinner even one dying naked on a cross.
May 3
Today we read about two kings in Jerusalem. Both made offerings for sin. But one offered animals and the other offered Himself.
May 2
What a contrast in leadership: Pontius Pilate and King Solomon! But against the backdrop of these two men we can see the glory of God in a fresh way.
May 1
Does evil in yourself and in the world overwhelm you? Scripture shows us that sin can never thwart God's wisdom. He even uses sin for His glory.