Order of Service for worship at home, May 31st
Moment of Silence: Pray silently. Remember that you are in the presence of God and humble yourself before him.
Opening Reading: Psalm 34
Prayer of Praise: Our Father in heaven, we praise you and exalt your name because you are our God. You have humble us in your love and mercy and taught us to seek you and we are glad. Thank you for making yourself known to us, and for delivering us from sin and death and condemnation. We have tasted and seen that you are good. We know that our experience of you is only a taste though, and that you are more gracious, more holy, more glorious than we can imagine. Thank you for helping us in our time of need. Thank you for delivering us from trouble and being near to those who are brokenhearted and crushed in spirit. Thank you for holding us up through our sorrow and affliction.
Come Thou Fount
Reading: Exodus 32:1-14
Prayer of Confession: Father as we read this passage about the sins of your people in the wilderness we are reminded of our own sins. We too have been impatient with you and unwilling to wait for you to act in your own timing. We have been guilty of fashioning “idols” to worship that are more to our liking, and putting our praise and trust where it doesn’t belong. We have corrupted ourselves as they did. Forgive us for our sins Lord.
Assurance of Pardon: 1John 4:9-10 (remember that the gospel is true and God loves to save sinners)
Before the Throne of God Above
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Video Devotional (or read 1Peter 5:8-9)
In Christ Alone
Closing Prayer
*** Giving: Remember that we've covenanted together to give of our financial resources to the work of the Grace Church here in Roanoke and around the world. You can give online here: https://gcrva.churchcenter.com/giving