The Bible in 2020

Today’s Reading

First Chronicles 23-25; John 11:1-17

Selected Verses

And they cast lots for their duties, small and great, teacher and pupil alike.   The first lot fell for Asaph to Joseph.  1 Chronicles 25:8-9a

So the sisters sent to him, saying, “Lord, he whom you love is ill.”  But when Jesus heard it he said, “This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”  John 11:3-4


Under David’s reign, God’s people were given assignments for His glory.  In today’s reading, there are long lists of people who had responsibilities in the service of worship, such as playing musical instruments.  Maybe you find the lists of names tedious to read, but if your name were on that list you would not.  Those listed there had positions, an assignment, a specific job to do, and a time and place to do it.

In John 11, we learn about two benefits from the illness and subsequent death of Lazarus.  First, it was for the glory of God and so that the Son of God would be glorified through it (John 11:4).  Jesus would show His power in this incident and the disciples would learn more about His glory.  Second, it was so that those disciples might believe (John 11:14-15).   Jesus was all about teaching His disciples so that they might believe in Him.

Death is universal.  No mere human has ever solved the problem of death. But Jesus, the Son of God, came to give eternal life to all who hear His word and believe God (John 5:24).  Lazarus had the assignment of getting sick and dying so that the glory of God would be seen and the disciples would believe.

Think about it

It is thrilling to know we too have an assignment in God’s great cosmic plan.  It may be through suffering and death or it may be through playing beautiful music or through innumerable other ways.  Seek to glorify Him whether you are clearly conscious of your role or not.  Just think, the story of the raising of Lazarus has been preached from pulpits and discussed around supper tables for centuries.Though this God is always glorified and His people are strengthened in faith.  Lazarus completed his assignment.  May you complete yours, too.

© 2017 John A Carroll  Used by permission

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